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The Kind of Intelligence that You Need to Become A Successful Entrepreneur

Many people are not aware that there are seven types of intelligence. Most people believe that the intelligence known in school are the only needed intelligence to become successful in life. The three intelligence that are very known and appreciated in school are the Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, and the Spatial intelligence.

Before I elaborate these three kinds of intelligence, and before I give the other four intelligence, I want to tell you that at first I also believed that these three are the only intelligence that makes a person successful in life. I have the ambition to become a successful entrepreneur like Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. They are the successful entrepreneur that I am trying to emulate. They made their businesses a world brand, they have high standards and high quality business ethics. They are bold and respectable when it comes to business and they are not afraid to tell the truth. And also, they had already achieved some of the things that I want to achieve. That's why I emulate and  respect them.

For those people who also wants to become a successful entrepreneur and make their businesses a brand. You should know what intelligence does it takes to become successful not only in business, but also in life. So let me share you what I have learned from Robert and Donald's book the Midas Touch about the seven intelligence and what is the most important intelligence to acquire when it comes to business.

The Seven Intelligence
Howard Gardner, developmental psychologist and professor of cognition and education at Harvard Graduate School of Education, developed the theory that there is not just one kind of intelligence but seven different intelligence. One of them, in particular, is essential to become a successful entrepreneur.

Verbal Linguistic
People who do well in school, the "A" students, are often gifted in verbal-linguistic intelligence. They are excellent readers and writers. They can quote famous writers and do well on essay exams. In business, students who do well linguistically may become lawyers.

These people love numbers and solving mathematical problems. They can give you the decimal equivalent of fractions faster that you can calculate it on your cell phone.

They are usually "A" students, and many of them go on to attain advanced degrees. Many remain in academia and become teachers, professors, and researchers. They may also work for universities, corporations, and government. Students who do well mathematically lean towards accounting, computer programming, or engineering.

Those with this intelligence tend to favor the arts, go on to art school, and some become very successful artists. People with spatial intelligence often become architects, interior designers, graphic artists, and website developers.

As you may have already guessed, that many people believe that these first three kinds of intelligence are the only intelligence needed to become successful and to become rich. That's why many parents send their kids to school to acquire these kinds of intelligence. They believe that if their kids possess one or more of these first three types, their kids would get a good grade in school and could have more potential to get a high paying job with benefits. But if you can also observe, lots of them didn't succeed financially and still struggling in life. Only few of them are fortunate and succeeded financially.

Most athletes are gifted with this intelligence. The most gifted and elite few may go on to become professional athletes or dancers. Some may lean towards the health or recreation business.

Students with this intelligence often dream of being a rock star or lead singer in a band. Some dream of playing with a symphony orchestra. They pick up instruments and gain familiarity quickly. They can hear music and almost magically know the notes they are hearing. People with this kind of intelligence are most happy when they are performing and will seek out careers in the musical performing arts.

I noticed that students who possesses Body-Kinesthetic or Musical intelligence are being misjudged as lazy easy going people and lacks ambition. Because many of them aren't interested in school doesn't mean they are not intelligent. They just have different interest, they are just being misunderstood I think.

This intelligence is important for professional communicators, such as politicians, preachers, sales and advertising specialists. People with this talent are naturals at meeting and engaging new people, building relationships and winning friends. They are "people people."

I know some people with this kind of talent. I could say they are nice people, and I like them. They could easily please you and get your empathy. Although they might not have one of the first three kinds of intelligence, they could put themselves in a higher position because of the talent they have. There's nothing wrong with that, but sometimes, I feel they don't like some of the things they say and do.

While interpersonal intelligence is your ability to communicate with others, intrapersonal intelligence is your ability to communicate with yourself. People who possess this kind of intelligence have control of their own thoughts.

Robert said that intrapersonal intelligence is often called emotional intelligence. It is your ability to control emotions such as fear, greed, anger, sadness, and love. For example, when you're afraid, do you react and run, or do you talk to yourself calmly, responding rather than reacting? When angry, do you control your temper or blow your top, saying things you later wish you had not said? These are examples of a person's intrapersonal intelligence.

Robert added that intrapersonal intelligence is also called the success intelligence, since it is required for success with all other intelligence. He also stated that it is the intelligence that gives entrepreneurs the advantage in the world of business. Intrapersonal intelligence empowers entrepreneurs to do what most people are afraid of doing, or do not want to do. You probably know people who did very well in school, but fail to do well in the real world. One reason may be because they are gifted linguistically and mathematically, but they lack the emotional control, the intrapersonal intelligence, to handle the challenges of the real world.

Among these seven intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence is crucial for success as an entrepreneur. You don't have to be born with it, but if you weren't, you must acquire it.

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This book is not about business. It's about what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki turned their businesses into international brands. The two men share what keeps them going when most give up and why they continue to seek greater challenges. In this book, Midas Touch, they share what gives them the Midas Touch--and how you can have it too.

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